Native American Medicine is a complete system of Body, Mind and Spirit. Health requires balance in every sphere of one’s life, Native medicine places emphasis on finding the roots of any imbalance and restoring balance. Harmonious balance is highly sophisticated. It is designed to match the uniqueness of each case. There are many ways to restore balance, and I have my own unique set of skills and life experience that I bring to healing.
Through Reiki, Reconnection healing and Healing Touch I work on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. This can help you enhance every aspect of your life. Energetic healing is good for your pets (via zoom, phone or in-person).
Native american ceremonies clear and solve underlying issues.
Do you want to release yourself from prior relationships?
Or someone that has passed on?
Do you have a helicopter parent or other relative or an ex (prior relationship) that needs to be cleared out of your life?
Would you like to have a better relationship with . . . . ? (your boss, your family)
You cannot solve the problem at the energetic level of the problem!
Reconnect to your higher self...
Attune your powers of intuition...
Allow yourself to improve your self-confidence and make better decisions...
Balance your mind, body and spirit by practicing these proven self-healing methods.
Tracey healing experience -One of the things I have become reliant upon and believe has been instrumental in my mental state and healing is reiki. Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
I see a reiki master every week and she has helped me immensely. She has helped me channel negative emotions, dig deep into my soul to see what's blocked or manifesting bad emotions, has helped me recognize and heal past emotional traumas, she has taught me how to forgive and let things go, and she has taught me breathing techniques, meditation, and healing mantras. I never thought of myself as one with the universe or even very spiritual but she has helped me connect with myself like nothing I have ever experienced. She has also predicted the results of many of my scans and tests, which astounds me. Every time I leave I feel at peace and grounded and I have a renewed sense of purpose and resolve.
If you are struggling with any emotional distress or physical illness, I highly recommend you try this. For me it's been a life-saver and probably one of the most important things I have done on my cancer journey. I truly feel she has healed my mind, body and soul.
Alleviate emotional and psychological traumas brought on by difficult life events...
Many of us have had difficult even traumatic events occur in our lives that have left us, emotionally or psychologically scarred. Healing could remove the energetic element that is attaching itself to your psyche; often removing the pain, anxiety and negative emotions these traumas left behind.
Eliminate the stress and strain of modern life!
The act of healing could help prevent dysfunctions within the body—in all areas—not just the ones you're specifically treating at the time. Healing can calm you and empower you with the inner peace to handle anything that life throws your way. It could also give you the inner clarity you need to maintain poise and calm in the midst of any stressful or negative situation. Balance your mind...body and spirit by practicing these proven self-healing methods...move forward in life.
Discover your life purpose...
Reiki is a liberating spiritual practice that could reconnect you to your true self and enable you to see the direction you should be heading with new eyes and clarity. You could see—maybe for the first time—the things you need to move forward in life
Maintain your energy and provide protection
Healing is a no touch clearing and healing that utilized life force energy
Remote Sessions or in Person Sessions are $125.00 per hour. Home Sessions are $200.00 - $300.00.PayPal.Me/yogalightcenter
Call, text or email for an appointment 925-556-3135
Pleasanton - East Bay California
Copyright 2018 Yoga Light Center